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The Battle or Evolution of Perspective?
New Frontiers in a Cognitive Terra Incognita?

Heiner Benking

One scale - a macro-view:


In 1492 the merchant Martin Behaim created the first globe. It was good to show what is known and hide in teh hindsight the 'unknown'. In 1517 a new continent was added by the French geographer and astronomer Louis Boulanger. 1617 the Dutch cartographer Willem Janszoon Blaeu maped the way to the 'Southern Seas'. The Scott James Ferguson designed the Globe for your pocket. Finally in 1819 our 'modern' view of Earth was designed by the British N. Lane. With new tools and perspectives in 1972 a new pictures is created by a team, not by an individual any more. It is a mosaic of individual pictures and the beginning of Optics in WORLD-VIEW design.

No-scale - a conceptual micro-view: (On the design table of the natural scientist)
Alternative presentations of the periodic table or layout of chemical elements
Chem-11.gif (11256 bytes) Chem-22.jpg (13245 bytes) Chem-33.jpg (12174 bytes) Chem-44.jpg (11946 bytes) Chem-66.jpg (24821 bytes) Chem-99.jpg (23744 bytes)
The above is a selection of pictures from Functional Classification, Appendix 4 pp.1763, Vol. 3 Yearbook of International Organisations as reproduced in part from J.W. van Spronsen, The Periodic System of Chemical Elements, a history of the fist 100 years, Elsevier 1969, and the display, the 'Magic Square' form a recently conceived and published design based on number theory as published in: Michael Stelzner, Die Weltformel der Unsterblichkeit " Vom Sinn der Zahlen " Die Einheit von Naturwissenschaft und Religion VAP Wiesbaden, 1996, ISBN 3-922367-70-4. In chapter 3: The Third Dimension, p 369-370.  for more see the UIA homepage and

We have seen that we can conceptaully create an indefinite number of models or maps. To evaluate, compare and order scuh reperesentations we have to look into their usefulness, simplicity, and coherence/completeness.

what could we map now?,  what for?


thematic globes, the next step...


 here the ULTIMATE STEP:


also a critical review of ACCESS AND ASSIMIALTION

what can be undersatood, what is too complex...

how to make it DIGESTIBLE...


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