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Anthony Judge

"What we need to understand may only be expressible
in a language that we do not know."

There is no synopsis or biographical sketch that I could provide at this moment which would do Tony Judge justice.    I can only use this CI Intra-site to provide samples of his writings.   He is a social commentator, director, engineer, and designer of the highest calibre.  The only way I can come close to describing him is as the Dirac of Socio-Conceptual Organization.  For those of us who are mathematicians or physicists, this will be a rather precise image.  For those of us who are all else, imagine someone sitting down to write - in a non-stop marathon session, in perfect sequential format inclusive of all nuances and features, without errors, typos or aside annotations, creating along the way totally new definitions, functions, themes and concepts necessary to make the whole work comprehensive and valid - and so, completely describe any topic or field we may be passably  familiar with or impressed by - science, arts, sports, whatever.

Essentially, that is what Paul Dirac did in the physics field of Quantum Mechanics. And, that is what Tony Judge is accomplishing in the field of Social Organizations and Human Communication.  His is an Olympian feat that words are insufficient to embrace.  

I encourage readers to absorb the thinking style and evaluative completeness which Tony Judge displays.  Assume that the most exotic and esoteric ideas are natural and comprensable to you, even if your first impulse is to withdraw because of novelty or differentness.  Tony smoothly expresses the most difficult and detailed relations of people, organizations, and opportunites which you already innately comprehend but   just have never heard verbalized or seen written out before.  The sense of strangeness is only due to "first-contact".  Once past that, you'll recognize the genius you are reading, because he brings into our Alert Awareness, all the perceptions that the rest of us have only been able to act out, rather than enunciate about our iinvolvements and actions.

Anthony Judge
Director, Communications and Research
Union of International Associations

Rue Washington 40
B-1050 Brussels, BELGIUM
Tel: (32 2) 640.18.08 Fax: 646.05.25      email:

                "I believe it is also useful to reflect on the isomorphism and cognitive mirroring between "global self-organization" (of the world) and "global self-organization" (of oneself). One does not go without the other.
                Achieving and comprehending the one - to some degree -- requires achieving and comprehending the other -- to some degree. A chicken and the egg situation?
                More particularly the challenge of the theoretical complexity of the external form is matched by the challenge of juggling one's psychic innards into some appropriate harmony -- transcending simplistic understandings of concord and discord."                   
March 1998

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