. . . re-worded, re-considered . . .


It's Spring of the year 2000 by the common era calendar.  The Integrity Paradigm stands among many historically great ideas and scores of recent untested ones .. where people are forever on the important preoccupied quest to make sense of the universe and all the existential experiences we find ourselves enactors in.

We resonate with revealed knowledge, with hard won discovered knowledge, with imaginative possibilities, and with embellished narratives that are everywhere, coordinating our diverse world of  'knowings' together.

There is no denying that everyone who will read these words directly, or in translation, will do so already having a personal worldview in place for themselves.   A comfortable mantle of stories and histories which define existence 'accurately'.   So how could an alternative be valid?  How could 'something else' be also true?

It just can be that's all.  I have no other explanation or justification to offer here.  The Integrity Paradigm is a neutral vision of existence.  It intones that a Creative Intentionality both devised and is involved in the universe's constant ongoing creation/evolution, and simply coded some of the primal formative dynamics in elegantly simple and sublime forms which are more easily described with languages like mathematics and unvoicable geometries than with emerged languages and familiar human relations.   Yet their 'meanings' are so much more.

The structures of 'the beginning times' have no immediate human correlates, but they undoubtably contribute to all the arrived at stories and experiences - which we only and profoundly understand through human thought and deep contemplation.  I'm not trying to force a synthesis of science and spiritual truths by casting processes this way.  I'm confidently saying that there is no other validity than that they are already and unavoidably one with each other.

If you look at most of the world's religions, they place importance on eternity.   Life is framed by immensities that take our breath away.  The vastness contrasting our brief and limited lives.  So we judge ourselves here, and eventually, there, by focussing our souls on ultimates - that are ever lasting.

But what if I told you that ideas and souls may not be infused into the material world, like water into a container?  Rather, the qualities to enact and exhibit ideas and souls are part of the subtle design of things from the very beginning, and that essences of what we "are" existed in the very first fabrics and entities of time and space itself, let alone the pieces and forces that came right after, and the forms and organisms and behaviors that a even after that?   Does that make sense to you?  I hope so.  Since eternity is only another way of being, an extended manner of the universe most apparent to us. 

Space and time and energies and forces and such are the embodiments which developed and unfolded into the life-forces and views and thoughts and attitudes and understandings and realities we are.  Even the events and stories we feel connected with.   This means that what we have tended to understand as 'separate' aspects really aren't separate in any extractible sense, any more than 'breathing' can be isolated and examined separate from a thriving body.

This is the idea which illuminates the ceptual quality of Integrity notions. The Integrity Paradigm looks a little deeper than most exporations.  It sees the impersonal motes and essences of existence not as if they were external entities to be examined from a distance, under a microscope, separate from any relationship to what we are.  Instead, it realizes that the primal formative aspects of existence are carriers of performance seeds - in their most essential.   Assembled in just the right way, they aren't a scaffolding to house our lives .. they have become 'our lives'.    We are expressions of qualities that compound blossomed behaviors on top of other blossomed behaviors.  Reaching a plateau in us and which we will be a foundation for the next blossoming eventually to transcend us.

In words that hone in on first principles, the universe is creatively architected to exist as "consistent dynamics (objectivity) in/of/as the body of the performance (subjectivity)". This, in contrast to the typically pervasive notion that "disconnected observation/information is 'objectivity' ".

The miracle that I've been able to enjoy is seeing so many of these dynamics and levels of existence, recognizing how they act, how they fit, how they "live" together .. in unceasing communication and involvement.  The effort I'm devoted to is sharing what I see.

Many integrity paradigm discussions and expositions tend to deal with some particular aspect of these dynamics, that display and blossom and transcend - levels with levels.  They words can be a little heavy handed sometimes, especially because they expect that everyone can grow out of themselves and personal comfortable worlds of things-as-we-perceive-them, things-as-we-were-encouraged-to-perceive-them .. related only at the human scale, only concerned with our personal being, our bodies, our psyches, our lives.  Integrity cepts trt to encourage more than that.

Integrity doesn't ask anyone to challenge or erase their beliefs and ideals.  It expects a new maturity - to extend the wonderment of creation to every infinitely small jot of anything, the most expansive of everything, and to know that the same qualities of motivation, cooperation, competition, coordination ... involvement ... yes, and even 'love' .. are nascently present in the most basic structures and activities and pre-animates of existence.  True, they are primitive at such essential levels.   They rumble amongst each other in ways that look like mathematical in-sentience or un-awareness.  But they really harbor the deepest most complete roots of total sentience, aware- ness, and feelings you could ever imagine.  Even most scientists don't see that yet.   But they will.   We all will.  We may not even have words yet that can satisfyingly capture this rapture of existence. But we will. Someday.

Dignity, involvement, mutual support aren't things we selfishly defend, they are things we selffully extend - and by extending - receive and accept in turn.  And all because we are expressions of what exist in the fundamental essentials of 'universe'.

From that base, the stories of how the universe is what it is, why it is, and where it is creating out toward won't seem fragmented and strange anymore.  Realizing the sublime unity that exists in everything will lead to a level of 'knowing' that will be in every creatures/persons heart.  And universal ascription to ethics and mutual support will be instinctive, natural, unthoughtfully automatic ... not a struggle that we try to stay connected with.  It will be like emerging from a dream.   The specifics of things, the sense of things, the sensibilities of being, will become more 'natural' than we could ever invent or describe.   And it will come to pass because of the growth that we current generations are allowing ourselves.  We are the transition generations, absorbing and coming to know the knowledge of a fully emersed universe. 

We are the least and the most .. awarenesses comprised of awarenesses.  Accepting the totality of who/what/how we are.

                                                                                                               April, 2000

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