Ode to a Vanishing Point


                            The Point of these discussions is oh so frail indeed
                            Just when you think you "see" it
                            It "vanishes" complete.

                            Or rather, should I say we start with "double" takes
                                (the things that norm' come last);
                            Reverse the order ... START with   two  co-linear ... "parallel" paths!
                            For then, out at ..........INFINITY ...... the "point" appears at last !!!
                            And out beyond our vision ... we see !              (beyond our grasp).

                            But fear not, gentle warriors, in the Battle for Clear Minds,
                            These convoluted caperings just help us pass The Time.
                            And like the Jabber-Wock who strolled
                            Along the beachy-sea,
                            Twas "infinity" beneath his feet
                                (where ever he did see).
                            Uncountable grains jibed tender soles
                            As poddingly he went
                            As his brain did valiant wrastlings
                            To understand this .... God's foul fowl jest.
                            And .... the reason why ... there is this or that
                            And, of course, of : "was" "will be".
                            And oh my dear, a quaff of beer
                            Might help us more plainly see!!!!

                            So, into the soup ( or fray ) my dears
                            Whatever be your pleasure
                            Except as musings (wandering here)
                            Some things are beyond our measure.

                            Twas briley in Deo's design
                            that we be "less than" her/him
                            And save for some twinkly twist of Being (hidden in his/her grin)
                            We might just never know it all! . . . .
                                                . . . . just where "the point" begins!

                            Or: where it ends or where it goes or has it
                            Umpteen umpteen toes
                            Oh round the Universe we goes
                            Spinning ever ever so
                            A tizzy wizzy whirly twirl
                                    until the light goes on :

                            A crucial skill we all must master
                            In this worldly place of lathe and plaster:
                            Wheeling .... (tooling as Sapiens do
                                        to even get 'round to market)
                            We won't get a License to travel Space and Time
                                                                    Until we can parallel park it !!!!!


A Ceptualist Ditty      by ©1992               


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